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What is OHA?


OHA is the Oswego Homeschool Association, founded by a group of homeschooling parents in the fall of 2020.

Mission Statement
The Oswego Homeschool Association is a not for profit 501c3 organization for homeschooling parents and children of all ages. We believe that parents are the primary teachers and are responsible for all lawful reporting, curricula choices, and core subject instruction. OHA aims to support the role of the parent by offering meetings, special events, field trips, and educational opportunities. We are an inclusive, eclectic, local, member-run organization that honors the diversity of homeschoolers and provides a supportive community for our members. Our reasons for homeschooling differ, as do our styles and approaches to education. What we share is a respect for all learners and a desire to support one another.

We believe that every family has the legal and constitutional right to home educate in New York State, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation. 


What about LEAH, are you also LEAH?


The Oswego Homeschool Association is a local chapter of Loving Education at Home, Inc- also known as Homeschool NY/LEAH (click here for more information about Homeschool NY/LEAH). We are an affiliate of this state organization, but OHA is also our own autonomous entity.  Our board developed our own bylaws which are unique to OHA.  These bylaws differ from other Homeschool NY/LEAH chapters and have been submitted to and accepted by Homeschool NY/LEAH.  Per our mission, we choose to be welcoming to homeschoolers of all faiths and beliefs, as outlined specifically in our bylaws:

Article III- Statements of Belief
Although we choose to have no requirements of religion for our membership, we acknowledge the beliefs of Loving Education at Home, Inc and agree to be considerate of those beliefs in our programming. As an association, we agree to not include or offer programming that is contradictory to Loving Education at Home, Inc’s by-laws. 

Click here to view the full by-laws of OHA


As an OHA member, am I also a Homeschool NY/LEAH member?


Not automticaly; when you become a member of OHA, you must also become a member of Homeschool NY/LEAH on their website.  This membership gives us insurance, regional and state support, homeschool advocacy, HSLDA discount, and access to the many programs that Homeschool NY/LEAH offers. Click here for more information about Homeschool NY/LEAH. 


Are there more than one Homeschool NY/LEAH chapters in Oswego County?


Yes!  We have such a great need for homeschool support in this area.  OHA is one of several chapters in the area.  The other chapters include Oswego County Leah, James Madison Academy, Raising Arrows, and Mexico Lighthouse LEAH.


Can I be a member of both OHA and Oswego County LEAH?


Yes!  It’s called dual enrollment.  You can save some money this way, too.  Families choose one of the chapters to be their  “primary chapter” and pay the membership fee. Then, they will pay what the other (secondary) chapter charges, minus $30 (which is what goes to Homeschool NY/LEAH). Each chapter may have differing requirements for membership. Membership to Homeschool NY/LEAH does not necessarily guarantee a membership into any particular chapter and membership in one chapter does not guarantee membership in another chapter.


Is OHA exclusively secular?


No, we are not. We are inclusive to all walks of life.  We are religion neutral in our programming and activities. 


How many members does OHA have?


At the end of our first year we had over 90 member families with over 300 individuals making up OHA membership.  It is a wonderful community to join!


What does OHA membership offer?


OHA aims to support the role of the parent by offering meetings, special events, field trips, and educational opportunities.  We hope to connect you to the larger local homeschool community, building friendships and social support. 


Where do my membership dollars go?


OHA is a volunteer, member-run organization.  Half of the membership money ($30) goes directly to Homeschool NY/LEAH to pay for insurance and our not for profit status (along with many other benefits).  The other $30 goes to OHA to provide events, programs, pay rent, and more.  As a not for profit 501c3 organization, ALL of the income for OHA goes directly back to benefit OHA members in some way or another.  Members of OHA have access to the annual budget as well as quarterly financial reports for the association. The annual report is approved by a majority vote of OHA members. 


How do I become a member?


Request membership through the JOIN button at the top of the page. 


What does OHA cost?


Pricing- $60 per family annually


When do you meet?


We have Parent Support Meetings quarterly, and events and field trips going on all the time.  When you join, you get access to our private FB group and Members section of the website, with a calendar of events.






What is LEAP?


The Lakeside Enrichment and Academic Program (LEAP) is our drop-off weekly program for preschool through 12th grade.  Our class offerings vary, but include music, art, gym, cooking, history, choir, STEM, and more!


What qualifications do the LEAP instructors have?


The LEAP coordinator is a NYS certified teacher (and homeschool parent).  Every adult that works with children must be personally recommended by a board member and/or have an interview conducted along with several references. It is very important to us that your children are safe.  Parent instructors and contracted teachers are knowledgeable in their content area, have experience working with children, and have references available.